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stout figure中文是什么意思

用"stout figure"造句"stout figure"怎么读"stout figure" in a sentence


  • 高大的身材


  • After the officer of the suite the stout figure of nesvitsky was seen riding up on a cossacks horse , which had some trouble to gallop with him
  • Look at him any time within the half hour before the curtain was up , he was a member of an eminent group - a rounded company of five or more whose stout figures , large white bosoms , and shining pins bespoke the character of their success
  • In a long military coat , with his enormously stout figure and bent back , with his white head uncovered , and his blind white eye , conspicuous in his puffy face , kutuzov walked with his waddling swaying gait into the ring and stood behind the priest
  • All ceased speaking and looked round at anna mihalovna , as she came in with her pale , tear - stained face , and at the big , stout figure of pierre , as with downcast head he followed her submissively . the countenance of anna mihalovna showed a consciousness that the crucial moment had arrived
用"stout figure"造句  
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